fromSonnia Arude
July 13, 2023
In conclusion, rosemary has great potential as a natural solution for hair growth due to its active ingredients and the mechanisms involved. Its ability to stimulate hair.
fromSonnia Arude
April 15, 2022
"My hair is like a precious crown one deserves to wear, and a way of exuding self-esteem. In the society we live in today, that authentic side is often hidden or covered, one that one doesn't dare to reveal one's natural transparency Show your side instead of hiding behind a wig."
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Here is the deal. Really want to know if your hair is overloaded with protein or moisture? Then read on. I just want to give you a few tips on how...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Understanding your hair's porosity is very important in order to develop an effective natural hair care regimen. Knowing your hair porosity will he...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Tea rinse series.🍵. ... I love peppermint, it gives my scalp that calming feeling and reduces scalp irritation. Peppermint is a good rinser becaus...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Did you know that? Coffee helps to stimulate the hair follicle and also improve the hair structure. Rinsing your hair with coffee will help detangl...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Avocado is a great source of nutrition for our health and hair. It is rich in vitamins A, B6, D and E. It is also high in protein, magnesium, amino...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Dandruff is a condition of the scalp that causes flakes of skin to form that make the scalp itchy. Above all, it is uncomfortable when the white fl...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
Care tips for curly hair .. - Use a shampoo once a week to avoid"overwashing", i.e. too frequent washing and the associated drying out of your curl...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
What is the difference between a leave-in conditioner, a deep conditioning conditioner, and a normal waxing conditioner?Looos! Here we go.They all ...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
It's really only about two things!1. Unravel2. MoisturizeDetangling: Shampooing will KNOT and DIRTY the hair.If your child has thicker and longer h...
fromSonnia Arude
November 6, 2021
How to effectively use conditioner on your hair, especially if you want to skip the deep treatment part. I usually do that on my lazy washing days...
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